An inspiring story is that of Aani Devi from Gana Gaon, who transformed her circumstances through ARPAN’s support in forming a self-help group. She utilised microfinance to establish a successful goat rearing business, improving her financial stability and family well-being.
Aani Devi, residing in Gana Gaon is a single woman as after marriage her son settled with his wife as per Raji traditions and husband passed away. After the death of husband, her financial crisis deepened so much that sometimes she had to sleep hungry. Arpan motivated women in her village to form their self-help group. They began their saving with ₹10 per month and took loan from the SHG on very low interest.
Gradually, the situation changed. Aani Devi took loan of ₹1,000 for goat rearing. Three months after purchasing, the goat gave birth to two kids. After some time, she sold the goat, earning ₹2,000, from which she returned the loan and interest within a year. Now she is rearing and selling goats. At present she has seven goats, meaning a capital of nearly ₹12,000. Today financial improvement in her family is visible. Her son has started helping her in the venture.