
Raji Tribe of Uttarakhand
This study aims to understand the present condition of the Raji community in India, which is a particularly vulnerable, isolated, alienated indigenous community living mainly in remote, dispersed and inaccessible hilly areas of Uttarakhand. Their population is considered as declining. The problems they face in social, economic and political spheres have remained largely unidentified and unaddressed.
The Raji community is a small tribe that has settled in small pockets in the Central Himalayan belt. They are geographically situated in the North western region of Uttarakhand, near Nepal boarder. The need for a comprehensive study on the Raji as a PVTG was found in view of the unavailability of latest information and the rapid decline in the socioeconomic status of the tribe.
Other Reports
- Baseline Study of Adolescents in 20 Villages (2024)
- Raji Indigenous Community Access to Livelihood Study (2024)
- Raji Indigenous Community – Socio Economic Study (2022)
- Unpaid Work Study (ARPAN, ActionAid, UNWOMEN) – 2017/8
- State Policy for Women (ARPAN, ActionAid, Women’s Commission)
- Social Audit of Bunkar Cooperative
- ActionAid Endline Study
- Single Women Study (ARPAN, ActionAid and others)