Association for Rural Planning and Action

Traditional Seed Exchange Fair cum Workshop

traditional seed exchange fair cum workshopA workshop was organised at Didihat Block hall, in District Pithoragrh on May 28, 2019, wherein 30 women farmers from 10 villages and nine local farmers actively participated. Government department officials participated to discuss the issue of seeds and other related issues. The main issues discussed by women farmers were:

  • Best practices in preserving traditional, organic seeds
  • Dissemination of these seeds to wider sections of the farming community
  • Sustainability, viability and health related benefits of these seeds
  • Prioritizing the Local traditional food and their benefits

Women farmers had installed stalls at the block hall. The different local, organic seeds were exhibited and also kept for exchange (for other local seeds). Local cooked food was exhibited and also served to visitors.

IEC material was kept for dissemination, covering issues of women farmers, organic seeds and organic food. Women shared their knowledge of how local seeds are more sustainable and can resist climate change.

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